# Copyright 2004-2010 Sabayon Project # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $ EAPI="2" inherit base rpm multilib MY_LANG=${PN/openoffice-l10n-/} MY_LANG=${MY_LANG/_/-} MY_PV="${PV/_/}" # export all the available functions here EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_unpack src_prepare src_install # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: L10N_LANG # @DESCRIPTION: # Localization language name L10N_LANG="${L10N_LANG:-${MY_LANG}}" DESCRIPTION="OpenOffice.org ${L10N_LANG} localisation" HOMEPAGE="http://projects.openoffice.org/native-lang.html" if [[ "${PV}" = "3.2.0" ]]; then SRC_URI="mirror://openoffice-extended/${PV}rc5/OOo_${PV}rc5_20100203_LinuxIntel_langpack_${MY_LANG}.tar.gz" elif [[ "${PV}" = "3.2.1" ]]; then SRC_URI="mirror://openoffice-extended/${PV}rc2/OOo_${PV}rc2_20100521_Linux_x86_langpack-rpm_${MY_LANG}.tar.gz" else SRC_URI="--NOT_SET_SEE_openoffice-l10n.eclass--" fi LICENSE="LGPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="" RDEPEND="~app-office/openoffice-${PV}" DEPEND="dev-util/pkgconfig dev-util/intltool" S="${WORKDIR}/*/RPMS" OOO_INSTDIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/openoffice" openoffice-l10n_src_unpack() { cd "${WORKDIR}" unpack "${A}" mkdir "${WORKDIR}/unpack" cd "${WORKDIR}/unpack" rpm_unpack ${S}/*.rpm } openoffice-l10n_src_prepare() { einfo "nothing to prepare" } openoffice-l10n_src_install() { dodir "${OOO_INSTDIR}" local MY_SRC="${WORKDIR}/unpack/opt/openoffice.org/*" local MY_SRC2="${WORKDIR}/unpack/opt/openoffice.org3/*" cp -R ${MY_SRC} "${D}${OOO_INSTDIR}/" || die "cannot copy" cp -R ${MY_SRC2} "${D}${OOO_INSTDIR}/basis${PV:0:3}/" || die "cannot copy" # FIXME: upstream bug, localisations listed below try to install the same file # as ast bg bn dz el eo fi ga gu hi_IN km ku lv mk ml mr my oc om or pa_IN si ta te tr ug uk uz local dict_file="${D}${OOO_INSTDIR}/basis${PV:0:3}/share/extension/install/dict-en.oxt" [[ -f "${dict_file}" ]] && ewarn "Removing ${dict_file} due to collisions..." \ && rm -f "${dict_file}" chown root:root ${D}/${OOO_INSTDIR} -R }